patternek tomkelege
Hi Liefje,I am just wondering before you go to sleep and you think of your day
tomorrow, you will work, and during the day you may sometimes think that,
oh well, I am working now and in some days, not so far away, I am going to
meet him again, hmmm...., everything seems so easy, now, I feel energized,
I can concentrate well on my carrier, for example on the talk with your
boss, because I know that somebody is out there waiting for me.
I remember times when I knew, everything was safe, I knew my place in
the world and now I may think of someone who thinks of me right now and
she thinks maybe the same. Somehow I began to recall these feelings when I
met you and now I remember how I felt when I felt like this in the past,
years ago. I am still amazed how fast things can happen and how suddenly
all my emotions can change, hmmm... I am curios what is going to happen
Je Schatje, Kilincs
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