Sunday, October 08, 2006

patternek tomkelege, szakitas utanra

Hi Viola,

Sorry, I have overreacted the situation last time. Well, the reason I
write now, is that two weeks ago I begun to like you. It is okay with me
that we do not become lovers, if it is okay with you, too. There are
reasons for this. You may wonder what explains this, so I tell it to you
because I think we begun to develop some kind of friendship and intimacy
with eachother and even if we loose intimacy it may be good not to loose
friendship because we might have began to really like eachother. I had a
hard decision to make before I went to Prague, I had to choose between you
and my ex girlfriend. She contacted me one month ago to meet up for a
coffee. You may have seen her on one of my pictures, she has dark hair
and big earrings and a nice smile. Long story short. I wanted to choose
you because I felt that way, my feelings about you very more intense, now,
after my emotions towards you have settled down and they begun to become
more and more passionate again with Christina (she lives in Frankfurt) I
see you now as good friend, because I can have only one person in my
heart. I can imagine that I can still laugh with you because there is
something about you what I really liked and I still like, however not in
an intimate way anymore, if this is okay with you. I just love to jog with
you, for some reason, and I like your smile. I have a little bit fragile
personality, once it gets hurt by someone, it will never allow to happen
that again and my heart opens up towards new directions and closes to the
persons who hearted it, this is the reason why I will not try to seduce
you anymore, because things feel different now. You may know this feeling.
As a conclusion: I wrote this email, because I like you, you are
intelligent, I respect you, I like your honest big baby eyes and I do not
want to loose you as a friend.




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