Monday, October 30, 2006

Lutz a PUA


pick up artist.

van benne valami.

bazmeg. annyi ember lesz mar a community-ben. felelmetes.

miert van az, hogy csak nagyon kevesekbol lesz nagyon jo PUA?

nemtudom, de ha valamit tudok, akkor ezt tudom.

manipulator leszek. jeeeee.

a legutobbi szerzemenyem, izabella, a magas, szoke bajor menyecske, aki
raccsolva beszeli a hohdajcsot. mindegy. meghivott szaunazni a baratnoivel.
sajnos nincs penzem, ezert nemmegyek.

egy erdekes dologra jottem ra: vedd eszre hogy mi az ami neked tetszik, te is
azt csinald a tobbiekkel. erdekes nem?

amugy erdekes a Lutzzal beszelgetni. egy PUA, aki nagyon mas vilagban el,
sokmindent olvas, sokmindent tud, megis sikertelen. erdekes. mi hianyzik belole?
a field. a hipnozis. a rutinok, a performance. nem veletlen, hogy minden pua vagy
hipnotizor, komikus, iro, magus vagy szelses. bazmeg, nem veletlen.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

sticking points

1. opening. daygame. sober opening.
2. kino. phase-shift.
3. energy level. calibration.
4. value elicitation.

Friday, October 27, 2006

ulunk a varfalon

5 nap debbie

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

hipnozis mindenhol

As we have agreed I will learn Gaussian. This is why it would be a good
idea to know, already now, who in Cambridge will be able to help me to
further learn the usage of the program. Could you maybe "introduce" me to
somebody there, who is an expert and will have some time to teach me its
usage once I am there ? You may think that this may be a little bit early
to do, however it is only 2.5 months to go, so the sooner we begin to
think about this the more easier we can begin to work together once I am

Sunday, October 15, 2006

bazmeg, nem tudom miez, de ilyet fogok venni.
most mar csak tudni kellene, hogy mi a mellekhatasa.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

pua contactot, wingmen-ek

Hi Friend,

I am interested in sarging in Frankfurt. So far I have
preffered to sarge alone during the daytime in Frankfurt,
on Saturday, in the shops, hovewer, if you are interested
we could meet just to learn ideas from eachother. This
street game is much more easier than I tought. I have problems
with it definitely, but I am working hard to overcome my
sticking points and I fell that I am getting constantly better.


Friday, October 13, 2006

tegnap annyira kesz voltam, hogy...

reggel negykor befizettem egy terhes anyakat kuro pornooldalra bazmeg. felelmetes.
amugy kurva jol erzem magam szorakozo helyen. minden no pozitivan fogad. kurvara
jol szorakozom, ahogy szetpatternezem az agyukat. tegnap feljott alex es natalie hozzam,
oket a partin ismertem meg. varazsoltam nekik egy kicsit aztan nalam, ellazultunk egy kicsit.
jo fejek, teljesen le voltam dobbenve, hogyan talal az ember ilyen jo arcokat marburgban.
kesz. annyira sok cuccom van mar, annyi minden sok dolog vesz mar korul, hogy elkezdem
latni a fejlodest es elkezdem latni a sticking point-ot. daygame. jozan. lassu. natural. game.
ezt akarom. daygame. jozan. lassu. magabiztos. solid. jatekos. pont ugy ahogy debbievel
pragaban nyomtam.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

meg akarlak kurni, Debbie, szet akarom kurni a szoke pinadat! szetkurlak es mikozben beledelvezek, belenezek a nagy babaszemeidbe. hmm... imadom.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

a pua-k szomor eletet fogom elni

Szomoru az eletem, mert elkezdem megerteni, hogyan lehet alomszep noket elcsabitani.
Nem adhatom felszinre az erzelmeimet. Viszont idovel ez azt is fogja jelenteni, hogy uj
erzelmi viselkedes alakul majd ki bennem. Eltunik a regi enem. Errol szol DDA-nak a
deep inner game programja. Olyan lesz ez mint viz ala merulni. Felsz hogy tortenik veled
valami, valami baj. Nem tudod, hogyan viselkedik az uj ened a novel. Eszreveszed, hogy
flottul mennek a dolgok. Nem teljesen tudod hol a hatar. Olyan ez, mintha egy szemuveget
kapnal, amivel lathatnad a masvilagot, egy uj dimenziot, az emberek gondolatait, a jovot.
Azonban ez a szemuveg homalyos, neha kihagy. Nem mukodik teljesen biztonsagosan.
Ezt figyelembe kell venni. Elkezdesz ennek az uj vilagnak megfeleloen cselekedni es remeled,
hogy jobban jarsz, hogy a dologok jobban fognak mukodni, mintha a regi szemuveged alapjan
megitelt vilagban cselekednel. Homalyos a szemuveg, de rajtad van. Eszreveszed, hogy ez
egy magikus ero. De vigyazni kell vele, mert meg nem ismered. Elkezded kinyitni pandora
szelencejet. Felsz. Tanulnod kell. Ez az egyetlen ut, ahogy tanulhatsz. Szep lassan. Probalkoznod
kell. Kalibralnod kell. Ez a muveszet. A fejedbenvan az oriasi elmelet. Egy egyetemnek megfelelo,
egy diplomanak megfelelo. Meg kell tanulnod alkalmazni ezt. Az eletben. Varazsolnod kell.

on the chat. #pua channel

Guys, I give here a short FR: I was in a bar yesterday, I met an 7.5 or 8, 183 tall, young, slim body, long legs, perfect ass, okey tits, okey face, german, we were making out after 20 minutes, i was gaming her a little bit, I was too tired to qualify, she was in front of my door and did not want to come in, and did not even give me her contact information. fuck. i was too tired to game, i become afc, she really turned me
on, fuck, now i am pissed off, one big lesson: never let others to control your emotions, you should control emotions of the others, always qualify and always connect, dont be afc, NEVER, pay attention to her comofort level.
wow copypastage
not copypaste, i was writing this for 2 minutes.
into x-chat under linux
insidher, you use linux? respect
* SomeRandomGuy jujitsus insidher
I just wanted to write this down. Because I am sad about this.
umm, get the fuck over it
<-- shannobn has quit (Connection reset by peer)
it will last one or two days, but I learned a lesson and that is worth the pain.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

patternek tomkelege

Hi Liefje,

I am just wondering before you go to sleep and you think of your day
tomorrow, you will work, and during the day you may sometimes think that,
oh well, I am working now and in some days, not so far away, I am going to
meet him again, hmmm...., everything seems so easy, now, I feel energized,
I can concentrate well on my carrier, for example on the talk with your
boss, because I know that somebody is out there waiting for me.
I remember times when I knew, everything was safe, I knew my place in
the world and now I may think of someone who thinks of me right now and
she thinks maybe the same. Somehow I began to recall these feelings when I
met you and now I remember how I felt when I felt like this in the past,
years ago. I am still amazed how fast things can happen and how suddenly
all my emotions can change, hmmm... I am curios what is going to happen

Je Schatje, Kilincs

Gellert hill

Hey Schatje,

I love the picture on the Gellert hill the best. I love Budapest. I can
imagine you there were vividly. I used to stand there a lot where you made
this picture. I loved that place, during my whole life. It woulde be very
romantic to be there together. If I would have met you in Budapest, I
would have brought you to the Gellert hill to see the sunset and maybe to
make love. We would love that.

Je Liefje, Kilincs

patternek tomkelege, szakitas utanra

Hi Viola,

Sorry, I have overreacted the situation last time. Well, the reason I
write now, is that two weeks ago I begun to like you. It is okay with me
that we do not become lovers, if it is okay with you, too. There are
reasons for this. You may wonder what explains this, so I tell it to you
because I think we begun to develop some kind of friendship and intimacy
with eachother and even if we loose intimacy it may be good not to loose
friendship because we might have began to really like eachother. I had a
hard decision to make before I went to Prague, I had to choose between you
and my ex girlfriend. She contacted me one month ago to meet up for a
coffee. You may have seen her on one of my pictures, she has dark hair
and big earrings and a nice smile. Long story short. I wanted to choose
you because I felt that way, my feelings about you very more intense, now,
after my emotions towards you have settled down and they begun to become
more and more passionate again with Christina (she lives in Frankfurt) I
see you now as good friend, because I can have only one person in my
heart. I can imagine that I can still laugh with you because there is
something about you what I really liked and I still like, however not in
an intimate way anymore, if this is okay with you. I just love to jog with
you, for some reason, and I like your smile. I have a little bit fragile
personality, once it gets hurt by someone, it will never allow to happen
that again and my heart opens up towards new directions and closes to the
persons who hearted it, this is the reason why I will not try to seduce
you anymore, because things feel different now. You may know this feeling.
As a conclusion: I wrote this email, because I like you, you are
intelligent, I respect you, I like your honest big baby eyes and I do not
want to loose you as a friend.




nem voltam benne biztos, hogy le akarom-e irni ezt a szamot, mert kezdem ugy erezni, hogy nem a
szamok szamitanak.
a sorrend nem biztos:
1 juli
2 molni
3 andi, buszon szedtem fel
4 szigetes szoke picsa, satorban hatulrolkurva
5 reka
6 adrienn
7 fekete reka
8 soproni picsa, akinek az anyja kamu beliszt gyartott
9 picsa akit sopronban koleszban kurtam meg
10 ujvarklubbos szoke csaj, trabantban kurva
11 bevagottpinaju, rondafeju nagymellu, gyorsanelvezos osanya, zoldpardonban felszedve
12 teves picsa, aki allitolag szuz volt
13 17 eves picsa, mekdoneldszben dolgozott, reggel szedtem fel, parirol jovet
14 szep arcu, de dagadt csaj, nemreg lattam a zp-ben, lefogyott, jol nez ki. szopatni jo volt, arra emlekszem.
15 agi
16 sepler
17 kolumbiai
18 (csak a fejere vertem) 21 eves, macskafogoban szedtem fel, magas
19 jana (tegnap kurtam meg)
20 debbie
21 konferencias, extraronda picsa, na ezt felejtsem el bazmeg valahogy
22 (mellerevertem) viola
23 antonia
24 buszmegalloban felszedett magas, szoke, talan agit csaltam vele, fasztudja
25 agi v. dora?, magas barna, gombszemu, akivel az agit csaltam
26 adrienn, akivel az agit csaltam, fodrasz
27 csilla, akivel az agit csaltam, asszem csilla, egyiptomrol meselt
28 rez, talan nem csaltam vele senkit, kolcsonautoval vittem haza csepelre
29 harmincas
30 a baratja v. volegenye lakasan megkurt magas barna, szeparcu, bokros teendoim vannak picsa
31 roni
32 lewit dora
33 lewit dora elotti, alacsony, vastaghatu picsa, (berelt) lakasomon kurtam meg, zp-ben szedtem fel
34 telefonkozpontos csaj, vagy ugyfelszolgalatos? magas, szoke, buddha bicsen szedtem fel
35 zsuzsa, agit csaltam vele, de csak egy kicsit, balatonra mentunk, buddha bicsen szedtem fel
36 konvyvelo picsa, buddha bicsen szedtem fel, ketszer kurtam meg, ugy nez ki minta a kosa

Saturday, October 07, 2006


Übermitteln Sie bei Sofortnachrichten niemals Ihr Kennwort oder Ihre Kreditkartennummer.

Jozsef sagt:
hello liefje
Debbie sagt:
hé baby!
Debbie sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
did you feel yesterday something in your belly during the wedding?
Debbie sagt:
Debbie sagt:
how do you know
Debbie sagt:

Video-Unterhaltung mit Debbie ...
Auflegen (Alt+Q)

Sie haben die Video-Unterhaltung abgebrochen.

Jozsef sagt:
i just tried the video phone
Debbie sagt:
I don't have this stuff on my computer......
Jozsef sagt:
just say okey
Jozsef sagt:
just to try
Debbie sagt:
but how did you know I felt something in my belly last night?
Jozsef sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
i can say that to you
Jozsef sagt:
you are romantical
Jozsef sagt:
and a wedding is very romantic thing
Jozsef sagt:
you might have remembered romantic times....
Debbie sagt:
well I can tell you wat caused this belly feeling
Jozsef sagt:
tell me
Debbie sagt:
it was not the wedding an sich
Debbie sagt:
and not the couple an sich
Debbie sagt:
but I was there having a good time
Debbie sagt:
dancing, talking with friends, drinking etc etc
Debbie sagt:
and I really wanted you to be with me at that moment
Debbie sagt:
to share that with me
Debbie sagt:
that was the belly feeling
Jozsef sagt:
well.... i can understand that
Jozsef sagt:
i was just looking up some site with urlaub
Jozsef sagt:
well.... the beaches were looking pritty good...
Debbie sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
Debbie sagt:
that's Egypt isn't it?
Jozsef sagt:
Debbie sagt:
Caribean is great!
Jozsef sagt:
Debbie sagt:
Debbie sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
Debbie sagt:
ha ha ha
Jozsef sagt:
jamaica is about 700 EURO 7 nights
Debbie sagt:
that's pretty cheap
Jozsef sagt:
Jozsef sagt:
Debbie sagt:
so you're leaving tomorrow, ha ha
Jozsef sagt:
i was just wondering how would that be ...
Debbie sagt:
you mean leaving tomorrow?
Jozsef sagt:
tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow
Debbie sagt:
maybe you should try!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Mijn gedachten glijden langzaam in je ziel.

tegnap 2 telefonszam es mara egy randi jott ossze.
viola kidobott tegnap.
amugy a tegnapi sarge-ot teljesen felvettem.
akit erdekel az irjon emailt.

ezt a patternt nezzetek meg, felelmetes

hé baby! Yes, you're right about missing each other, yes absolutely right. But it's also brain
behaviour: when I think of you some moments are very sharp and I can see you clearly, I know what we were talking
about, but some moments I allready forgot to my regret! But I forgot your smell and also your voice allready and
the harder I think about it, the deeper it gets into my brain, the harder for me to catch that smell or hearing!
I have a video of you in my computer but I found out that I don't have an audiocard in it, I have to fix that
this weekend!

You know what's funny: the last moment I saw you in Prague you weren't consciouss of that. I could look at you
without you knowing that. There was this distance, but on the other hand it felt very intimate for me, also
because I could still feel and smell you on my skin. We were in this taxi and I saw you in the hostel talking
with the girl behind the desk and then you walked up the stairs to our room. I imagine that you got into our bed,
still warm of our being together and fall asleep immediately.

It's a good idea about calling. But I'll give my housenumber, it's much cheaper to call that than my mobile
phone: 0031-30-XXXXXXX. But tonight I'm going to a wedding of a friend and tommorrow in the afternoon I'm leaving
to Groningen to visit some friends and after that I'll be visiting my parents in Friesland. So I won't be home
very much. I was thinking, maybe I should get skype?

I'm curious to see your new baby blue sweater. I think it suits you, the clothes I saw in Prague I like very
much, they suit you very much. Je liefje, Debbie

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

egyebkent ket kormoment feketer festettem

ugylatszik nyomtam sok attraction stuffot de keves connectiont fantasztikus... i love this.... tanulok ember tanolok

Hey Kilincs,

while you were gone, I came to realize some things:

1. you and me, this is only about sexual attraction, not a good base for something serious. Now staying at your place feels unreal, like a fantasy that I
woke up from without feeling that I want go back there some time. I think my attraction has cooled off by now.
2. I don't get along with people like you who seem to change their personality every time I meet them. If I become friends with people I want to understand
what they think and I just don't understand you.

So I really don't think that there is any reason from my part why we should hang out again. It was a good experience but I think we are too different in
what we want and what we think.

if you want to talk about this (not on the phone, I hate that, maybe meet somewhere), we can, but I just wanted to let you know how I feel about this.


leckere haupje

magyarul : finom falat

ezt hallottam egy holland notol 1000 szer.
adtam neki cserebe ezer csokot, vagy meg tobbet.
lehet hogy tenyleg pua leszek? valami tortenik velem.
amugy ezeket a sorokat most pragabol irom, a czechh inn
bol. magas szoke. vekony. hmmm... vajon a violaval lesz valami
marburgban meg? ha lesz jo, ha nem akkor pua vagyok.
a lany maglatogat engem het mulva. marburgban. 3 napja kellett
volna repulnom de maradtam, miatta. ma ejjeli vonattal megyek.
sokat tanultam. rajottem, hogy nem kell attol paraznom, hogy nem
fognak szeretni nok. mert a nok ugy szeretnek engem ahogy vagyok.
egyszeruen csak magamat kell adnom. persze ehhez kellett 130 gigabajt
pickup cucc. es.. by the way. i am szomoru now mert a viola ki akar rugni.
ket dolog van: 1 pua vagyok ketto nem akarok vanitiszt, harom orulok ennek
mert ebbol is csak tanulhatok. amugy mar irtam is neki egy valaszpatternt.
reggelire buwisert ittam. arrol nem is beszelve hogy leszek meg 7 orat
pragaban, szoval felszedhetek meg egy modellt. interesting. i think i am
going to love to become a pua. i am sad and glad at the same time.