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does anybody here uses hypnosis/nlp succesfully in sarges? I am especially interested in trust/rapport/bf destroyers/compulsion patterns.
because I have this interesting problem: I sleep with a girl, but only sleep, no kiss, nothing, even lack of IOIs, interest, but kino goes.
at a cuddle party?
this happens to me several times.
are you mehow? ;)
* theuser whistles innocently
mehow? no.
so you end up in bed with girls but you dont touch?
I guess, I have no rapport with them at all, only attraction and curiosity and mystery
I touch, I can touch, but they do not want to kiss, no sex, nothing.
did you spank her
Emotional ocnnection lacks, big sticking point of mine.
get into bantering, i spank her
I busted on her so much I could.
or grab & pull her hair... tell her: "Bad girl!"
exactly, do that early
In a group I told about her, actually I think she has a dick.
Just look at her. Looks like a man.
that doesn't come across as being playful
that sounds more like an insult than a neg
Well. It was playful cos the situation, bodylanguage, tonality and such.
true, maybe you should go grab her crotch for her illusionary dick/scrotum
It was really funny.
I guess, I have no rapport with them at all, only attraction and curiosity and mystery
Well, actually there was already a little fingering and such, when we slept together, but no really sign of her getting hot, horny and wanting.
i would assume you had rapport and no attraction if you were in bed with them and nothing was happening
hmmmm..... interesting tought.
i don't know how that happened
they're obviously comfortable enough to sleep with you
doesn't she get horny when she wakes up? ;)
just whip out your dick and start jerking off
i used lot of swingcat's material.
just the fact that you spend the nite there together... i don't see how you can't fuck her the next morning
she also has a bf
what is swingcat material?
wait, so this is only with one girl?
Chemist: why? you've been with more than one girl?!
* theuser shakes his head in disbelief
Chemist: well, I begin to feel that I lack the ability to build rapport in general, after I have realised this with this girl.
if its rapport you want, get the new kenrick cleveland course
which one?
max pers?
you and me are on the same wavelenght, cos I just wanted to try that out. (good line?)
yeah, just use the suicide pattern on her
okey. I will get that.
dark side? cool.
is all KC's stuff as gay as the forbidden patterns?
that was seriously the lamest thing i've come across in all my travels
actually, has anybody of you guys used the compulsion pattern or st similar to seduce chicks?
I don't know. that is the reason I ask, if anybody used this nlp stuff/anchoring/patterning succesfully?
<-- whoami has quit (Quit: ) of course
tons of people here use it
who is real expert about this stuff?
the guys who have products
how do I find it out, who has products?
pimp or xan if you want to know about nlp
I just spoke to pimp 2 days ago.
He is in London.
or subie
take a look on the forums, theres some stuff there
do you use nlp, Chemist?
all the time, not just with girls
do you use anchoring?
like, you elicit a feeling of compulsion, then later anchor that to you.
what is the most powerfull pattern in nlp that you use on girls?
well, whatever emotion really. I wouldnt do compulsion, mainly just enjoyable states.
The Place: Torrent 'Nina Hartley - Guide To Making Love To Women.avi' uploaded by 'xeon' |
how do you anchor them to you?
How about more of Making Love to Men?
Giving a worldclass BJ?
its not really about patterns, its about calibration
anything that you do can be an anchor
any external stimulus that you provide
what do you mean by this? can you tell an example?
Chemist: what about NLP that makes it works so well?
The Place: Torrent 'Matt Ridley - The Red Queen.pdf' uploaded by 'TxSurfer' |
what do I mean by external stimulus?
theuser: its based upon getting da cok
bandler said so
Chemist, Question: I was thinking, I elicit a feeling, and anchor it to me. Like she wants to drink water, very very thirsty, and cannot drink it, then I place an anchor this feeling, like slapping with my hands, then I begin to talk about me, how other girls get satisfaction, when they are with me, and I keep fireing that anchor(slapping).
Chemist: i'm skeptical, i wonder if NLP is just a way for the guy to babble on, the passage of time builds comfort
bandlers a dick
Is this right?
theuser: its possible, I guess its mysterious and all that :p
you want to anchor her being thirsty to you?
yeah, sorta DHV in that the girl probably doesn't know about mysterious stuff
I want to anchor, the feeling that she want to have something, but cannot have that.
So she wants to reach for more of me.
The Place: Torrent 'Style - Anhilation DVDs [9 DVDs]' uploaded by 'TxSurfer' |
I suppose if you took the thirsty thing and then expanded it with your language/metaphors to a sexual frame then you could anchor it to you.
wow, style
can you give me an example, how you would expand it?
The Place: Torrent 'Jack Welch - Winning.pdf' uploaded by 'TxSurfer' |
TxSurfer is uploading some fresh stuff!
boy i can't wait to read me some of that
and he has the coveted Annhilation DVDs
ambiguous terms, vagueness, depends on the person
yeah, pretty ambigous :-)
txsurfer is the runnerup to the stylelife challenge
anyway, I go to work now, thanx guys.
right, im off to molest camels...
<-- Chemist has quit (Quit: KJ Me Baby!) **** NEW TORRENT UPLOADED ****
The Place: Torrent 'Abraham Hicks - Ask and it's given part I&II (Law of attraction) [compact edition DOC+PDF]' uploaded by 'epic2sk8' |
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