creating humor
The techniques for creating humor are different for each type presented. Some of the ways to create humor are by: metaphor; making harmless mistakes; exaggerating; pretending to be what we are not; deviating; making false statements; taking the wrong meaning of a word or sentence which has several meanings; saying the reverse of what we mean; mimicking or imitating someone; false analogy; treating or regarding people as animals, things, or ideas; treating things or ideas as animals or people; illusions, or hypocrisy; giving unexpected, or surprise solutions; relating the valuable to the valueless or trivial (called "sinking"); underestimating or understating things; saying irrelevant things; saying or doing things which do not make sense (create nonsense); being especially honest when it is not expected; misclassifying; combining things of different types; calling (false) names; asserting what is obvious; tricking; deceiving; performing a practical joke; being illogical; being irrational; acting or speaking differently than other people do.
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