Wednesday, January 30, 2008

sirni fogsz, most uj gondolataim vannak

sirni fogsz, meg fogsz szabadulni a gyotrelemtol,


People who don't like me or my posts, please stop reading now.

So, imagine, what would it be like when you really go to that beautiful girl, and talk to her, and you are
confident, you are strong, for some reason all the right words come to your mind when you need them,
you feel free, completely free, like floating in the space, or jumping out of an airplane, your mind is
calm, you are talking to her, in the bookstore, she is one of these girls :, how does that feel ?

For me it feels, that I have to cry. It's the end of the suffering, it's the beginning of a new journey.
It feels beautiful.


improv comedy

smashing the ego

naon fontos !!!!!!!!!!!!

jo testbeszed, jo inner game !!!!!!!! naon fontos!!!!!!!

tukor !!!!!

living in the now !!!!!!!!1

mental rehearsal !!!!!!!!!!!

build up the confidence !!!!!!

gondold el mi van : ha telleg megcsinalod azt amirol almodsz, leszolitasz
gyonyoru lanyokat, sirni fogsz.

Dou you know what's the TIME ?
Actually, I just wanted to TALK to you because you are CUTE, I only can stay for a SECOND, but I'd like to
FIND OUT, what do you have going for you more than your LOOKS. But, JUST because we are talking,
it doesn't mean that you WON me over. So DON'T think: oh, this HANDSOME and FRIENDLY guy maybe likes me,
don't think about ROMANTIC things, a holiday in CUBA, SALSA dancing, RIDEing a big e motorcycle on an ISLAND
in the middle of the OCEAN, and WATCHing as sun goes down.

find out

Friday, December 21, 2007

SOI and lines

-Do you know where can I find this street? - No? You are fired. -Yes. Cool, I will hire you as my personal assistant.

-I am just beginnnig to reaalize how cute/friendly you are. Hey, don't get any ideas ! I am just being polite.

-How lucky I am to ask you about directions, you turn out to be quite cool/interesting.

-Do you meet people during the day?

-Someone told me once that her secret fantazy was to meet her soulmate in
supermarkt during the day. But don't get any ideas, I am just talking to you
because you seem to be fun/interesting. (De azert ne bizd el magad, hogy van ez angolul?)

-Do you believe in fate ?

-Do you belive in soulmates?

-Have you seen X-men ?

-What is your super secret superpower?

-What did you want to be when you were seven?

-What secret superpower would you have ?


-bye the way, did you know that exactly 22 years ago XYZ happened ?

-I've just read an article about XYZ today

-Intelligence: did you know that BANKs were doing XYZ ... tanitsad ! (ECONOMY)
(English is a good language, altough .... chinese will compete soon.)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

openers and stuff

-Xcuseme, may I ask you something ? I'd like to buy a
top/shirt for a girl, it will be a present I will meet her tomorrow
and I dont really know her size is, the only thing I know is that
she is as slim and as tall as you are. If I want to get her a shirt
should I get L or XL or S or M or what ?

-Hmmm... yeah, I got a little bit uncertain about buying her
a shirt, do you think flowers and chocholate are better than
clothes ?

-Oh you are from holland ? Oh my god, I love dutch people, I can't even talk to you now. (BACKTURN)

-Anyway, I had this (dutch) friend of mine who tought me the secret (dutch) handshake, do you know the secret
dutch handshake ? (Do you know a cool handshake ?)


She is too curious.

She is too loud.

She is too silent.

She is hitting on me.

She is lying.
Dont believe a word what she is saying.

She thinks too much.

She is too sensitive.

RAISE THE NEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not you again.

When she looks at you at any time,
"Don't look at me in that tone of voice"

If anyone says anything super obvious i'll go thannkkk youuu captain obvious.

Ah, XXXXX, my one weakness. My Achille's heel, if you will.

Okay, whatever to take my mind off my life.

I don't apologize. I am sorry Lisa, that's the way I am.

"Yeah, well you know, you're very good looking... the thing about good looking people, people don't like us" -

I haven't really stacked a solid routine for day game.
Usually for Day Game though, a slightly situational pre-opener with a hook is best. For example, on the train you might use something like
PUA: Hey, this train goes past Toorak station, right?
HB: Yeah / Think So / Some other bull
PUA: Oh, sweet. Last time I got on the wrong train I ended up in Moorabin watching some girls cat do backflips. (Cred Juggler for the 'cat doing backflips' thing, HB's love that shit)
HB: Will either ask 'Cat doing backflips?', or give a little laugh
PUA: -DHV story about cat- OR -Normal opener-
Basically, if she shows interest in the hook you left in the pre-opener (in this case, cat doing backflips), go on to a DHV story about that.
If, on the other hand, she doesn't show direct interest, I find it's best to forget it all and go to your normal opener
PUA: Hey, can I get your opinion on something?
HB: Yeah
PUA: I'm just gonna go see this mate of mine now, but the thing is, he wears makeup when we go out...
And the rest writes itself.
Hope that helped
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“Your going to lose me here in a sec”

“I don’t know if I can be seen with you guys.”

"‘I’m way too high maintenance."

“You’ve gotta wine and dine me.”

“I never put out on the first date.”

“Girls say I’m kind of a prude when it comes to hooking up.”

“Buy me a drink before you hit on me.”(credit: Mystery)

When touched, “Wow, hands off the merchandise, this shit ain’t for free.” (credit: Style).

-Stop doing that!

-Stop saying things like that!

-Stop seducing me.

-Are you following me ?

2. Nice ass opener – Hey a girl just commented that I had a nice ass; it’s hard to tell myself.
Give me a look at your ass. (make her turn around, might not be a good idea if you have a hole
in your back) What makes a good ass?

-If I weren’t gay, we could totally hang out. And swap guy stories, and eat ice cream over sex and
the city. And say “god I feel so much like Samantha right now”
-I always have to tell girls that I am guy, otherwise I have too much trouble.

-Hmm, something smells good here.... oh it's me.

-News, someone has just calculated the 13th root of a 200 digit number in 10 minutes in his head.

-That's too much for me. I am scared. I cannot even talk to you now. Bye.

-Eye staring game. Soul gazing. First laughs losts.

-I am not going to give you the secret so easily. You will need to think about it for a second. (BADBOY)

-You are the friendliest girl I've met , in the last 30 seconds.

-You are beutiful, beutiful, beutiful for being from an other planet.

-Don't get any ideas.

-What was your (fucking) pet's name ?

-Do you like horses?
-Hmm. I tought so. You remind me of someone from my childhood, who liked horses too. She was in my When I was in six grade. You remind me of someone. (Horse girl)

-You have a great smile ! U. vs C.

-Are you guys best friends?
-You totally look like you know eachother forever.

-Just to have some fun. We are going to see if you guys are psichic. If you guys have a

-Stop flirting with me

You're so outside the circle of trust.
You're such a little shit.
I’ll bet your boyfriend complained about this about you.
You're back to square one with me, missy.
You're taking this WAY too seriously.
What else do you like about me?
Stop flirting with me.
You have beautiful eyes, can I touch them?
If that were true, you wouldn't love me.
You must've driven your parents crazy.
Give me a kiss on the cheek, and maybe I will let you forgive me.
I'm too high maintenance for you.
I'm so out of your league.
Let's play a game. Let's see how long you can hold your breath.
How short are you?
I’ve eaten pieces of shit like you for breakfast.
You're such a player.
Which one of you guys would win in a fight?
You guys remind me of the PowerPuff Girls.
You guys are like watching The View.
Do your parents know where you are?
Isn't this a school night?
You're makeup is smudged.
Bartender, you might want to check this girl's ID again.
We should hang out some time. You can help me pick up chicks.
You girls aren't tourists, are you?
Holy shit, you really don't know what you're doing, do you?
Careful girl, I'm a heartbreak waiting to happen.
Your ex-boyfriend sounds just like me.
I'm so emotionally unavailable right now.
I think you might make a nice friend.
We need to find you a man.
Where is your off button.
You are really wasted aren’t you.
I’m kinda a big deal.

-Where is your off button ?

-I don't know who your boyfriend is, but he is not spanking you enough.

Personally I like hiring / firing girls
Telling them they look like trouble and
Giving them #'s

You're bad girls, aren't you?
You're a dork!
You don't get out much, do you?
You're cute, like my little sister.

She drops/spills/etc. something, "This is why we can't have nice things."

Great stuff as always vapor. If she drops something I will say "it's ok, you dont have to be nervous", this 100 percent of the time gets a laugh

-you don't have to be nervous.

-I live to derive nicknames from something I've busted on her for. It becomes a mini in joke bewteen us.
Alot more affective than using a stock nickname that you had no inspiration to give her IMO.

- Which one of you guys would win in a fight?
- You're taking this way too seriously
- Stop flirting with me
- If that were true, you wouldn't love me
- You must've driven your parents crazy
- Give me a kiss on the cheek, and maybe I'll let you forgive me
- I'm too high maintenance for you
- What else do you like about me?
- I'm so out of your league
- Let's play a game. Let's see how long you can hold your breath
- You're back to square one with me, missy
- You're so outside the circle of trust
- How short are you?
- You're such a player
- You guys remind me of the Power Puff Girls/or/ You guys are like watching The View
- Do your parents know where you are
- Isn't this a school night
- You're makeup is smudged
- Bartender, you might want to check this girl's ID again
- We should hang out some time. You can help me pick up chicks
- You girls aren't toursists, are you?
- Holy shit, you really don't know what you're doing, do you?
- Careful girl, I'm a heartbreak waiting to happen
- Your ex boyfriend sounds just like me
- I'm so emotionally unavailable right now
- I think you might make a nice friend
- We need to find you a man
- We would never get along

-Thank you for using me.

"one a these days alice, bang, zoom, to da moon" (honeymooners anyone?)
"Seriously if you dont stop hitting on me, i'm getting a restraining order"

I always use TD's, "You're a sexual predator" line, it always works
and a lot of what has been posted.
when asking her what her hobby is, she says for ex>... dancing, my reply..really? no way, I absolutly hate dancing !

Some lines that work wonders on hired guns
Her: Can I help you?
You: Yeah, I need a back rub and a warm bath
You: Hey, you're not shoplifting, are you?
Her: No, I work here
You: What's the matter, the employee discount not enough for you?
You: So what do they pay you here, like $10,000 a week?
Her: No
You: Oh, that's too bad. I was going to ask you out. But I'm looking for a rich girl
Her: Nice to meet you
You: I'm sure it is
Her: Have a nice day
You: Hey, don't tell me what to do

If a girl tells me brb or I will talk to you later I respond with "don't threaten me!"

You believe everything, Debbie.


I can tell just from your (demeanor)/(aura)/(how you present yourself) that you are a person who:
... doesn't like to give in or accept things you know are not right
... can fall in love easily
... God uses to accomplish things even without you knowing
... likes to root for the 'underdog'.
... will keep saying you're going to do something, and keep not doing it, until you snap and even surprise yourself with how much effort you put in
... has to know as much about medical and health things as you can
... just takes everything one day at a time.
... forms your own opinions, while you are still aware of your reasons just in case you have to change
... likes to stay busy
... holds things in
... steps up when there is a vacuum of leadership
... seems to attract the same kind of mate over and over
... goes for two or three appetizers instead of deciding on an entrée
... likes to find an easy way out
... enjoys an adventure
... likes to be on the cutting edge
... buys people gifts
... over-evaluates everything
... needs to be surrounded by positive energy
... is very honest about everything
... will help anyone if you get chance
... thrives on contact with others in your day-to-day work world
... always looks for the best out of life
... in general, like to handle your own issues and you definitely don't like to make work for others
... can handle a new experience
... likes to question things more than just nod your head and say okay and sit back
... is always looking around. You're an observer, a consumer.
... makes a point of having others smile and laugh about funny things that happen in life
... likes to meet people and experience everything.
... no matter what you would have chosen to do in your life, it would have been some kind of collaborative project or process.
... has so many interests, you could do a lot of different things.
... sometimes surprises people just when they thought they knew everything about you.
... when you make up your mind to do something, you're going to do it to the best of your ability and see it through to the end.
... feels you have to prove yourself to feel accepted
... believes that everything happens for a reason and at the time that it's supposed to
... is easily influenced by your surroundings, so if you're surrounded by too much negative tension, you're always afraid you can get some of that.
... wants to explore the world, see different things, discover things you've never seen before.
... is very laid back and cool to chill with.
... will try anything twice
... is open to all kinds of comedy, whether it's dumb or smart, as long as its funny.
... likes to look and learn
... stays in touch with folks
... usually smiles and speaks to anyone
... will keep working on a problem until the very end.
... will make a person feel special.
... tries to help whenever you can.
... can't keep still.
... tries to make a conscious effort to keep people happy but still sometimes people don't appreciate you
... shuns the easy route. You like a challenge.
... grows by helping other people; You feed off of that.
... thinks about what you are going to say in conversations in advance sometimes even though you are really spontaneous
... sometimes holds on too long to things.
... likes to deal with people face to face, instead of on the phone or chatting
... likes to be in control of your senses and to only drink just the right amount
... doesn't want to close any doors and likes keeping all your options open.
... is honest, you hate liars and hate to be lied to.
... has a master plan, but you're flexible enough to stay on your feet if things don't work out.
... doesn't get discouraged
... has to fulfill your dreams, you've gotta be resourceful to make sure you can do it.
... is always on the go
... happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
... does not need popular validation before you can try something out for yourself.
... will go after what you want out of life
... loves to travel and can't wait to immerse yourself in a world that's entirely different from your own

"I bet you have a real cute side somewhere. You just don't show it."
When she responds to something, say, "Oh, so you're one of THOSE...."
If she resists use "Oh, so then you are one of those people who don't like to be categorized." lol

Here's some of my newest stuff. The first set is standard C&F. The second set still has the C&F, but it's geared to suggesting she's into you.
- Have you been drinking again?
- You must've driven your parents crazy
- What kind of trouble have you been up to?
- Your last boyfriend must've hated that about you
- You got a fat chick personality
- Are you at least rich?
- You're fucking up my Fung Shui (whenver she touches or moves your property)
- I need a quick female opinion on something… assuming you guys are really females, and not just really cute cross dressers. (Yes, this has been field tested)
Suggesting Her Interest
- Did you come over here just to flirt with me
- Stop undressing me with your eyes
- Don't get you hopes up. I'm not easy
- I don't think my girlfriend would like it that you're hitting on me
- Stop trying to impress me
- Stop trying to make me jealous (whenever talking about other guys)
- Are you always like this, or just with guys you're attracted to?
- You better be getting back to your friends before they realize you're over here flirting with me. But before you go... (awsome time constraint)

-Hey, did you forgot to take your medication today ?

-If she gets whiny, rub your fingers together and say "You know what this is? This is the world's smallest violin, playing a sad song just for you." Thank you Reservoir Dogs.

"You're a sexual predator [MISINTERPRETATION as if she is trying to pick you up]
I'm not that kind of guy.
I'm not gonna go back to your house to "[finger quotes] check out your stereo" or your "stamp collection" or whatever.
I need trust, comfort, and connection first. " Definitely will get a punch

You're either the coolest girl I've met in a long time, or you're a total weirdo, I can't tell. Probably a little bit of both. (Credit TD I think but not sure)

From my notes (some pu101 I think)
Stop it… You’re looking at me like a fat kid looks at a cheeseburger.
You’re getting me all emotional… I promised my friends I wouldn’t go home with anyone tonight.
You guys are bad girls. I have to watch out for you.
You guys are trouble.
You’re cool, you can help me pick up chicks.
Why are girls always so logical? Why can’t they just FEEL and be in the moment?
Are you drunk or are you just like that?
Did you forget to take your medication today?
We’d never get along, we’re too similar. I’d never take your shit and you’d never take mine.
You know, we would fight all the time. And I’d win.
Is she ALWAYS like this?
Have you got any game? Pick me up (I dont know if I like this one)
This place is such a meat market. I hate how the girls look at me here; like
I’m a piece of meat.
You’re like my little sister. Lovable, but a little annoying.
I used to be too modest, but I worked at it and now I’m perfect.
You guys are making me feel uncomfortable.
You’re bad. You’re making me think impure thoughts.
You’re a shy girl aren’t you? You guys gotta get her out more.
I’m going to take you home in my little pocket and ask my roommates if I can keep you. Wait, are you housebroken?
You usually hang out at the library don’t you?
You look familiar, have we had sex?
Btw I predict this will be the first thread to hit 100,000 views.

"If you were any slower you would be going backwards in time"

If a girl gets excited while telling a story, or gets really loud, or if she trips, or bumps into someone or you.... basically if she does any kind of abrupt movement etc.. I would always say:
"Whoa, eeeaaasy killer." say it in a cool-ass laid back manner.
If a girl spills something/breaks something etc... I like to say:
"Man, I can't take you anywhere"

A good one I use when the girl is older than I am:
OMG...(*age*)?! You are such a cradle snatcher!

If they are taking a while to answer, start humming that game show song.
Edit: I think he means jeopardy as in the final jeopardy theme like mystery did in that video

I like, "Easy tiger."

Someone in this topic started about an embarressment contest.
"Have an embarrassment contest with her. This work's best if you're both not shy, but you're even less shy. "I bet I can embarrass you more than you can embarrass me". "
this one is gold, I swear!
I did it with a girl and you really build up a connection
I used this:
I took her close to a group and started screaming:
" No woman! I don't want to have sex with you in the bathroom, is it all you ever do? Relationships are also about love you know....."
Then I walked away, she was really embarressed but she laughed about it later
that was sooo funny

do your eyes always sparkle like that? or only when you are looking at someone you desire intensly, like me. because then I have to go ...

Stop thinking so much you might hurt yourself.

If they bump into something, or bump their arm on a table/chair whatever. . .
"Come on now, be smarter than the table."

If she says someting feisty "That / This is the LAST time I let you out unsupervised"

if a girl I meet starts acting grumpy I tell her you know if you were a smurf you would be grumpy smurf

"Hanging around too many blondes will rub off on you you know"

You're aware you're still talking right?"

"Has your nurse taken the night off again?"

"I'm sorry I have this overwhelming need to make sense when I talk - perhaps you should try it"

"Does anybody around here speak gibberish/nonsense etc? I need a translator"

=if we're being playfully sarcastic or witty, I'll say "Why do you say these things to hurt me", or "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"
Sometimes I'll treat her like we're an old married couple, and if she says or does something crazy I'll say "I feel like I don't know you anymore"!
(Keep in mind...we just met)
OH...and the good ol reliable "You're the worst girlfriend EVER"!

"You know you have good girl looks with some bad girl mannerisms!"

"Sarcasm is just one more service I offer. "
"I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce. "
"I'm really easy to get along with once you learn to worship me. "
"It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying. "

In a similar vein I will tell girls 'once your looks go you're going to be in trouble'

f a girl ever puts up a smiley (like on aim) with it's tongue sticking out I respond
"put away that tongue unless you plan to use it"

- Your fly's down
- I know your type
- My mother warned me about girls like you
- You remind me of one of those little Precious Moments dolls (Credit to Bang Bros)
- Guys like me are over-rated
- You already had your chance with me
- Who lit the fuse on your tampon?
- I'm sorry, did I skip the part where I try to impress you?
- That's not gangster
- Wow, I'm impressed. Hey everyone, let's all give *name* a round of applause (Another credit to Bang Bros)
Her: Would you... (asking for favor)
You: Do fish have nipples?
Her: Nice hair
You: Thanks, I grew it myself

I'm sorry for talking while you were interrupting

Do you come with an instruction manual?

Stop playing hard to get... I had you at Hello.

(1) You are going to make some lucky man a wonderful future ex wife.
(2) I cant wait to make you my future ex girlfriend.
(3) I cant wait to make your list of future ex boyfriends.
(4) "Gentlemen, I would like for you to meet the future ex Ms. (your last name)"
Use this phrase anytime. Use it when you first meet a woman...use it when the woman is mad at you. It nearly aways works.

HB: "My friends are here, they're cool you wanna meet em?"
HQ: "Cool? I can hardly contain my indifference."

not sure if already mentioned but here is a couple of them..enjoy
HB: You're sooo're gonna regret you said/did this
CD: what are you gonna do? date me?
CD: Have I ever told you how helpful/creative you are?
HB: (confused look) no
CD: well...there is a reason for that
CD: Do you have friends who X(preferably something rare)?
HB: no
CD: welll...Do you have friends?
HB: Have a nice day
CD: Don't tell me what to do! We just met 5 minutes ago and you already ordering me around
p.s: credit to DYD programs

Her: I got a raise at work today!
You: Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back.

"you're sleeping on the couch tonight!"

I'm sorry I was having a lovely dream!"
"Did you spike my drink?"
"No, no please continue I often slip into a coma when I'm REALLY interested!"

with a sad shake of the head "kids these days...." - I say this to any age.
"have you been experimenting with your dosage?"
HB "I'm not talking to you anymore."
PUA "dont tease me."

M: WOW!(really impressed). You deserve a medal for that. (very sarcastically)
M: BUT you get silver, not gold.

"I don't know what you'er on but i am sure they offer treatment / have rehab for it"
"I don't know what you're on but i will take two of them"

Poo-A: "Wow you can multi-task... I'm impressed..."
Poo-B: "Huh?"
Pu-A: "Yeah, you can talk & be annoying at the same time."

This also works well as a self neg, when you say, "I like to multi-task... I can talk & piss you off at the same time."

Whenever I accuse a girl of liking me and she playfully denies, I respond with:
"Yeah right, you're totally going to write about me in your diary tonight. It's going to be all like..."
Cue the laughing & arm-punching.

It's a secret. Guess.

this is a guaranteed smack on the arm.
when she DHVs or tells you smth about herself,
"well, i guess i could live with that... it wont be easy though."

or if she complains she's fat or that she had a bad hair day or smth along those lines
"i didnt want to say anything!"

PUA "I eat girls like you for breakfest"
HB "Well, I eat guys like you for lunch"
PUA "That's cool, I'm not hungry anyway".

This illustrates real mastery--you banter, she equals you, and THEN you still come through with a badass response.

If you don't have one, and she bests you:

PUA "Respect!" (tap fist to heart, nod head). Give her a hug/kino

Another good one my roommate (girl) told me. If you need to eject from a set for whatever reason "I just remembered I have to go iron my bed." I use it both for when I don't return and do. Apparently it was said in the cartoon Animaniacs. Whatever is funny when you were a kid is funny now.

when I hang out with you I feel like I lose 1 iq point per minute".

when you say shit like that i feel like i am losing 1 iq point a minute, etc

Her: *Tells really lame/boring/stupid story*
You: "Can I have the last two minutes of my life back?"

"Look [name], don't play hard to get with me... it was cute at first... but we both know i'm better at it

When a girl gets really enthusiastic and imitates someone when telling a story and it obviously sounds funny, just say, "Wait, how'd that go again???" This is great. Just look for anything that in your mind she would feel awkward doing a second time.

Anyone: (answers question wrong)
PUA: No, but thanks for playing!

Seeing that this list has gotten pretty long, I’ve decided to take some of the best banter lines from here and other sources and group them into categories, according to the frame of your interaction with the girl.

I’ve found it most helpful to memorize a few in each category and then aggressively steer your interaction with the girl into that frame.

Here they are:

Frame 1: She’s Misbehaving; You’re Going to Fight
-You look like trouble
-You and I aren’t gonna get along
-We’re gonna fight
-My mom warned me about girls like you
-I hate you
-You suck
-You dork
-Ok, note to self: don’t date her
-I can’t talk to you anymore
-Is she always like this?
-Stop playing hard to get; you know I’m better at it

Frame 2: She’s Hitting on You
-Are you hitting on me?
-If you don’t stop hitting on me I’m going to get a restraining order
-Are you trying to feel me up/grope me? [if she touches you]
-Touching me already? I’m not that easy/this shit ain’t for free.
-Stop undressing me with your eyes
-Stop trying to seduce me
-What are you looking at? I’m not a piece of meat/sausage with giant feet
-Stop pointing at/trying to feel my boobs
-My eyes are here (face), not here (crotch). [If she stares at your crotch or complements you on your belt]
-Just because you like my shirt/pants doesn’t mean it’s coming off [if she complements you on either, which girls frequently do]
-You’re hitting on the wrong guy, I’m totally not boyfriend material. That guy looks better for you [point to some loser beta male]
-You like hanging around us, don’t you? [if she leaves and comes back]
-Are you a sexual predator?
-You’re bad, you’re making me think impure thoughts
-Did you put roofies in my drink?
-Are you trying to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me?
-I’m not that kind of guy. I need trust, comfort and connection first.
-I don’t like to take things past friendship
-I’m not some trophy husband you can use for sex. I have feelings too.
-Is that your pickup line? [if she opens you]
-Did you come over here just to flirt with me?
-Stop thinking about me; I’m tingling
-Don’t miss me too much

Frame 3: She Wants to Come Back for the After Party
-Don’t get your hopes up, I’m not that easy [when she first mentions an after party]
-Don’t get any ideas, I’m going to pass out on you
-You can come in, but only for a second. I have to work tomorrow.
-But I promised my friends I wouldn’t go home with anyone tonight!
-I don’t kiss on the first date [when you’re setting up a day 2]

Frame 4: She’s a Bad Girlfriend
[Only use these if she’s already attracted to you. Otherwise I’ve found it’s too easy for a girl to regain control of the frame by sarcastically responding with something along the lines of “sure…in your dreams…you wish”]
-Are you cheating on me?
-We’re broken up. I want my CD’s back.
-You’re a terrible girlfriend. She’ll be my new girlfriend [point to someone else].
-You’ve been downgraded from booty call #1 to booty call #10
-It’s too early in our relationship for you to be bossing me around
-You’re sleeping on the couch tonight

Frame 5: She’s Acting Dumb
-You’re not a real blond, come on now
-So you’re a natural blond then?
-Brunettes have blond days too, huh?
-It’s a good thing you’re pretty, because once the looks go you’ll be in trouble
-Bartender, can you cut her off?
-I’m losing an IQ point a minute talking you
-You’re the pick of the litter, aren’t you?

-This is why we can’t have nice things [if she spills]
-You hurt my elbow [if she bumps into you]
-Do your parents know where you? [if she’s unusually young]
-Nice shoes, are you 4 feet tall without them? Oh, I’m sorry, 4 foot 2?
-That’s so cool! Even if I wasn’t trying to get in your pants I’d still hang out with you. [if she has a similar hobby as you]

I go into Frame 1 immediately after the opener, then I go into Frame 2 and use that as the main frame of the interaction, and then I always end the night in Frame 3. Meanwhile, I’ll periodically go into Frame 1, Frame 4 and Frame 5 throughout the evening, whenever the situation calls for it.

Be careful not to mix Frame 2 and Frame 4 too much, as they’re seemingly contradictory (in Frame 2 she’s pursuing you and you’re playing hard to get, while in Frame 4 you’re boyfriend/girlfriend and now she’s the one misbehaving).

To summarize:

Frame 1---------------Frame 2---------------Frame 3

With Frame 1, Frame 4, and Frame 5 continually used throughout the interaction.

The next step is to figure out how to quickly steer the conversation into each frame, and I am currently working on a post on that topic.

HBmodel and I were standing together talking at the back of an exercise class and she laughed at something I said and threw her head back and it hit the wall, and I interrupted what I was saying, pointed at her and said, "Do you do that a lot?" and then continued what I was saying.

"Ok, enough of me talking about me, you talk about me for a while"

A good variation of this is:

HB: Oooh I love this song! [While she sings along]
PUA: Really? (Enthusiasticly) Me too, so please don't ruin it. / So don't ruin it.

When she does something clumsy/says something stupid, you can hit her with:
- I knew someome just like you in my old school/university/workplace. She didn't have many friends.

Or if she starts to DHV herself or brag:

-It's ok, you don't need to try to impress me, you're not my type anyway.

- It's ok, you don't need to make up stories just to impress me, I love you all the same.

If she resists you or gives you a shit test:

- Shhh. Yes, it will all be fine, don't worry. [You can add to this by gently patting her on the head condiscendingly]

Courtsey of vh1:
That'll be 5 dollars (part of "hands off merchandise")
Dont think we get along, too similar
You're the bad one, you're the good one
I'm very high maintanence, you've got to wine and dine me
I love you guys. Pinky love
Let's slow this down, buy me a drink before you hit on me like that
So you can be my sugar mommy?
Only when you buy me a drink first
None of that now, young lady
What's the magic word?
I charge for my photographs
Dont get any ideas

If she talks about her accomplishments and then looks at me for for some validation... I look seriously in her eyes and say "You had me at Hello"....
It works good on AMOGS too..!

Stop lying to make friends.

"Is English your first language?"

"Do you have any freinds who are the exact opposite of you?"

hb: singing
you: what did you do with the money?
hb: huh? what money?
you: the money your mother gave you for singing lessons.

you are too tall for me, anyway.

you are too slim for me

you are too fat for me anyway.

100,000 sperm and YOU were the fastest?

If something goes wrong while she's paying -- e.g., she swipes her credit card and it doesn't work -- say:

"She does this at *every* supermarket, I swear!"

you say funny stuff sometimes.. thats not one of em, but sometimes you say funny stuff"


"your funny sometimes, not right now, but sometimes you are!"

- You weren't spanked enough as a child
- That was rude. You learn that in charm school?
- And you almost won me over too
- Are you always this boring
- Your eye brows are crooked
- You shirt matches my underwear (Best used for animal prints)
- What would your stripper name be?
- If you were born a boy, what would your parents have named you?
- Don't make me come down there and pick you up by the puppy scruff
- Stop trying to impress me
- Make your best animal noise
- You girls are all the same
- You get in here with a fake ID?
- Nice hair. Someone give you a swirly?
- You're not Amish, are you? (Anytime she claims not to have a cellphone, internet)
- I wouldn't have called you in the morning anyway

And if you ever go wrong with a banter line, I've found this line can dig you out of a hole:

- Did you just give me the face? You did, didn't you? Come on, what's up with a warm smile? That was supposed to be funny.

"Cool... twins! Which one's the evil one.

Pua: you grew.....
hb: No I didn't
pua: yea your right you didn't *grin*

Hey, did you miss me ?

A buddy of mine uses a thing where he will disect a girl, or anyone for that matter, by her weight and exaggerate the proportions. For ex. "Kendra is 10 lbs of shoes, 3 lbs of lip gloss, and 99 lbs of hair with an attitude!" Delivery is key... delays and an extreme emphasis on the last part are quite necessary to really pull it off well.

Hey, how cute, your nostrils wiggle while you speak... Hey guys check this out (to her friends). (Credit to "The Game for that one)
OMG, is she allways this demamding? How do you guys put up with her (to her friends). (Credit to "The Game for that one)
-Those shoes look really comfortable
-I just saw a girl wearing that exact same shirt over there!
-You should put your hair up/down (opposite of present status)
Girl asks you your name.
You say "Buy me a drink and I'll tell you everything!"
*Girl Working*
YOU: Busy today?
HER: Yea, really busy!
YOU: I can tell, your hair is all over the place
PUA: 'I [i/]love[/i] your eyes.' look into her eyes, 'OMG, are those contacts! Oh, you little cheat' playful hit 'I totally fell for that!'
PUA: 'You have beautiful eyes. Can I touch them?'
I don't know about California, but here in the midwest, you can never say 'OMG' or 'totally' or 'whatever' too often.

you make that 80s haircut work"...or insert any other haircut or piece of clothing that might be construed as "80s skirt" etc. If HB is really full of herself you might add the word "almost" as in "you almost make that haircut work..."
"add one more day in the gym and you'd be smokin" ...insinuating potential for baboliciousness but may need to work off a pound or two

similar to another neg posted here: "I dig the way you give up fashion for comfort". That'll get her scratchin her head...

Holy shit. You really don't know what you're doing, do you?
(in reference to ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!)

"I think its great that you are so confident, you can go outside in whatever you want regardless of whats in style."

Heeeeeeey! Nice mullet! It's cute!" (yes i am loud opener guy)
[sniff air]"Did you just fart?" (say it quetly enough as if you were trying to ask ONLY her, but make sure her friends hear you. For the right kind of audience)
[sniff air]"What that smell???? [look at her] I smell tacos! Did you have tacos today!?!"
Say: "I love how your smell, it's pretty strong" then fake-sneeze
She says something cool reach to give her high five. As her hand gets closer move yours away. She'll miss and look like a total dork. Tell her she is: "you dork! ...let's do this again!"
Start sniffing air around you. Sniff your shoulder. Then lean in little bit and sniff her. Slightly turn around like if she stinks. Don't say anything. continue talking like normal
"Hey, you got something on your back... looks like ketchup" (this works best if she is only alone with you. if mixed set, she might ask her friend. Give them "Tsss!" and a wink. Usually they will follow through with a joke)
When you do palm reading routine. Tell her that her hands are sweaty. (for greater effect drop her hands and whipe yours on your sides)
famous eye crusties: "ohhhhh you have eye crusties. That's no don't rubb them i *like* eye crusties!"
"Do you work at taco bell?" her: "No why!?" ... "i'm pretty sure i smelled chalupa" (you get different responses here...but make sure she is not hispanic or mexican. She'll just get offended. This works best on white girls )
"You got something in your teeth (on your lip, chin, cheek) " Matter of fact voice
Move her beer away from her....lean in little bit whisper "you shouldn't be already not making any sense"
when she says something stupid: "How much to drink have you had already?!?" ....."Alcoholic!"
Yawn when she tries to qualify herself. (Rub your eyes for greater effect)
"You are sooo cute, i'd adopt your. Put a little mat at the foot of my bed... you could sleep there" (The Game)
"eww you spit on me!" (in playful tone) / when she talks, pretend to wipe your eye as she spit in it (put on the apropriate face).
when she talks...gently interrupt: "here..." and give her tic-tac
.....i can't think of anymore top of my head.

Her: "Hey, how are you?"
Me: "Fine, how about yourself? You look kinda tired"
she freaks at this point, "OMG i do? OMG" all upset
Me: "Oh no, don't worry, you don't look that bad at all"
I'm thinking she freaked cause she was a 7, but I managed to salve the set later, she was eyeing me the whole night.
This one is from my wing:
Him: "Hey, nice hat"
Her: "Thanks"
Him: "My grandfather has one just like it"
Her: "OMG, that wasn't nice at all!"
Him: "What are you talking about? I LOVE my grandpa!"

There's something unique about the way you walk, reminds me of...a penguin maybe?"

"You don't seem too adventurous, but you might make a nice friend..."

"Did you get your earrings (scarf, shoes, boob job) on sale somewhere?"

"You know, we've only been talking for two minutes, and already I'm having trouble imagining you with a personality..."
(Say to girl wearing any type of watch)
"Hey what time is it?"
(Look at her watch closely)
"I didn't know Rolex made plastic watches!!"
(Then turn around immediately but don't walk away)
"Did you lose a bet with someone?" (why?) "Those shoes... OMG how do you wear them in public?"
(How old are you?) "Why, do you need someone to buy beer for you?"
(Whenever she does something stupid) "Are you retarded?"
(She asks you for a favour) "Not with your attitude!!"
Many of these are credit to David Deangelo and his guest speakers. Use the first one with caution...
There's always the old favorite:
"You're funny! ....but looks aren't everything."
and one I used to good effect the other night:
If she has on gold jewelry:
"Oh, that's really cool, brass [necklace, earrings, bracelet]!"
She'll almost always say something to the effect that they're gold.
act disappointed "Oh, and here I thought you may be *original* or *creative*"
Holy shit, is that a penis in your pants???
Original Gogocat NEG
You: Hay nice that a real one or a spray on one?
HB: Its a spray on one
You: Wow...Its amazing what a can of spray can do these days.
HB: Its a real one
You: Oh...its hard to tell because the spray on ones look just like the real ones.

mutatok neked egy varazstrukkot.

That's nice, but what are you getting ME for christmas

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

kirugtam holland nomet

es elmentem a keletberlini 39 eves kollegaval inni, ahol a Kings Chapel gyerekei
enekeltek karacsony dalokat, megnyitottam ket szettet, egy 7-es es egy 9-es, lelegzetelallito, legcsodalatosabb lany a barban, D-kosar, 175 cm, baba arc, vekony, magas, es 21 eves Cambridgi egyetemista, szoval kemeny dio, el is jutottam az elso perc vegeig, ahol kifutottam anyagbol, illetve a haverom visszajott, valami olyasmire lette volna szugsegem, hogy a haveromat ne kozositsem ki, hogy .... nem is tudom, valamire, egy nagyon fasza banter-re es
nemi push pullra, fasza kvalifikaciora, complience-ra, jatekra, kinora, de tudom Esthella-nak hivjak, igaz, megoriztem az ertekemet, de nem sok komfortot es vonzalmat keltettem benne, azert ezt a trade-off-ot valahol meg kell tennem majd a jovoben ezt a legjobban a kvalifikacios reframingekkel lehet megtenni es hasonlok.... azert biztato hogy az elso 30 masodperces rutin mennyire bejott

Sunday, October 28, 2007

egy par 7 evvel ezelott imel, eleg kemenyek, ez a 8. nomtol van asszem, Adrienntol

> nem gond, tanulj. az amugyis fontosabb. ezt a hetet mar en is^M
> elterveztem. holnap hulla leszek, 8 orat tolmacsolok, utana mar meghalni^M
> sincs kedvem altalaban, es abszolute nem vagyok emberbarati^M
> hangulatban.. csutortokon emesevel bepotoljuk a mult szombati kimaradt^M
> bulit.. vagy olds vagy vasarhelyi, majd meglatjuk, es a legjobb^M
> baratnommel, akit a multkor olyan szepen elfelejtettem, szoval vele is^M
> talalkozom valamikor a heten, kene nezni valami mozit, mar olyan regen^M
> nem voltam, hogy azt se tudom milyen filmek vannak egyaltalan mostanaban,^M
> de azt meg nem konkretizaltuk, de most o hatarozhatja meg, mikor hol es^M
> mit csinaljunk, ha mar en voltam olyan bunko a multkor.^M
> a problema a kovetkezo:^M
> szegeny oseimet nem sokkolhatom itt hirtelenjeben valami vadidegen^M
> pasival, aki mindjart itt is alszik, apam szivrohamot is kapna. szoval^M
> nekik muszaj egy parszor hallani rolad, netan egyszer latni is teged,^M
> mielott kiseloadas nelkul meguszom a dolgot, es ugyanezert nem is tunhetek^M
> csak ugy el egy egesz ejszakara. ezert fizeti apam a kocsim meg a^M
> telefonom, hogy mindig haza tudjak jonni.^M
> viszont ez valamilyen szinten es atmenetileg meg is oldja a dolgot, mert^M
> talalkozhatunk valamikor egyszer-ketszer keson, mikor te bent vagy valahol^M
> a varosban, tudunk kicsit dumalni, vagy ha netan ugy alakul^M
> romantikazni.. ugyis regen voltam mar ejjel a szigeten:) es haza is tudlak^M
> dobni akar az ejszaka kozepen is. az nem gond. aztan ha az oseim mar^M
> megszoktak a neved, netan egyszer megmutattad magad nekik, nyugodtan^M
> alhatsz itt, bar innen reggel rohadt messze van minden, foleg az egyetem,^M
> kb. 1 ora vagy meg tobb a reggeli csucsban.^M
> jaj de bonyolult az elet:(^M
> szoval te most tanulj szepen, nehogy elcseszd a zh-idat, szar dolog^M
> helybol iv-vel indulni vizsgan.^M
> aztan ha raersz, irj, vagy hivj, kiveve csutortokot, az mar foglalt.^M
> de inkabb tanulj. en nem futok el, legalabbis egyelore. fo a lustasag es^M
> a kenyelem:)^M
> na, megyek furdeni, es aludni. muszaj hogy kialudjam magam holnapra,^M
> kulonben sikhulye leszek egesz nap, es nem fizetnek ki.^M
> :)^M
> A.^M
> PS: azert meg bocs, hogy idonkent kicsit tulzottan defenzivaba vonulok, de^M
> valahogy ez igy alakult az elmult evek soran.. kicsit gyakran ertettuk^M
> felre egymast a pasikkal. jobb felni.. stb.^M
> meg engem itt ket szfinx is oriz, apam es az ocsem versenytfeltenek, es^M
> versenyszeruen utalnak minden pasit aki elokerul az eletemben, ugyhogy^M
> nekem se konnyu:)^M
> jo, en cserebe meg a tesom noit utalom, csak hat nekem nem tul sok^M
> beleszolasom van az o dolgaiba. o bezzeg apamat jol fel birja heccelni.^M
> de szerencsere most epp kegyvesztett, mert spagettit dobalt mult hjetvegen^M
> a konyhaban, amit nem nagyon dijaztak a szuleim:)^M

> szija:)^M
> remelem kiludtad magad:) nekem csak 2.5 ora alvas jutott volna, ha tudtam^M
> volna aludni, de igy csak folytatom az elozo napot. reggel 3/4 6ra ertem^M
> haza, es meglepo modon nem tevedtem el.. jo, az ut nagyreszeben foggalmam^M
> sem volt, hogy hol vagyok, de aztan valahogy tok veletlen elkeveredtem a^M
> rottenbiller utcahoz, onnen meg aztan mar sikerult gyorsan^M
> hazatalalni.. onnan csukott szemmel is, a nagymamam ott lakik a kornyeken.^M
> hazafele mar rem sok ember volt az utcan.. indultak a korankelok. de szar^M
> lehet, ha valakinek ilyen remesen koran kell munkaba jarnia.:(^M
> en egyelore meg nem vagyok tul faradt, azaz nem erzem, hogy az lennek,^M
> csak naggggyon ehes, es meg masfel ora ebedig.^M
> most megyek, mert bemelegedett a muszer, muszaj dolgozni..^M
> gondolj ram:)^M
> A.^M

Kedves Havibajos Orsolya !^M
Arrol ,hogy verzel , csak az jut eszembe, hogy huh , mar all is a farkam ,^M
bocsi edes ,de most csak ilyen^M
perverzeket tudok irni . Szeretek kurni ,ha a lanynak eppen megvan . Kicsi^M
Orsi , nagyon izgato dolgokat irsz.^M
Kar ,hogy nem vagy itt . Holnap keson kelek . 11 kor mar ebren is szoktam^M
lenni. Most en kivanlak nagyon.^M
Imadlak fogdosni. Nyalni - falni. En is nagyon szeretnem erezni a forrosagod,^M
kivulrol es belulrol . Es szeretnelek jol leforrazni. Nem akarom kimondani^M
azt a szot. De csak annyi ,hogy nagyon kozel szeretnek kerulni hozzad . Olyan^M
kozel ,amilyen kozel csak lehetunk. Erzed ?^M
Honda, nagy , ezres. 130 lo, 260 a vege. Kiraly. Ha most nem lenne ennyi bajod^M
es nem mondtad volna , hogy^M
csut az rossz , akkor mar mentunk volna egy kort , utana pedig sok kort ...^M
Nem erzed ugy ,hogy a mi kapcsolatunk egyre inkabb csak egy valamirol szol ?^M
Mert en igen . Szerintem^M
nagyon jo. Nagyon nagyon kivancsi vagyok rad. Az illatodra ... imadom egy^M
nonek az illatat ...^M
jo ejszakat,^M

Kedvesem !^M
Remelem nem sertodsz meg a megszolitas miatt . Biztos irom ezt valamiert. Meg^M
nem olvastam az^M
emailjeidet. Mikor talalkozunk ? Kicsit most ossze kell szednem magam , de^M
egyebkent ok vagyok.^M
Hat ha elsore nem is de azert masodikra csak osszejott , ereztem ,hogy valami^M
nagyon szorit, ugyalatszik^M
a gyonyorod volt az.Emlekszem amikor ebredeztem ott voltal mellettem. Egybol^M
ra is jottem ,hogy mit lenne jo^M
csinalni. Ugylatszik en hatulrol ficko vagyok. Mit gondolsz ? Meg kell ,hogy^M
mondjak valamit , hatulrol szeretem a^M
legjobban. Szeretnel moziba menni? Mehetunk, mostanaban inkabb setalgatnek ,^M
vagy kirandulgatnek, motoroznek^M
veled. Mozi kicsit passziv. Csak valami kevesse paras helyre kene menni.^M
Mindegy. Jo volt a tangad, tetszett nagyon,^M
foleg ami alatta van. Anyam meg aszondja , huh vedd el felesegul ezt a lanyt,^M
nagyon aranyos meg minden ... azt mondom , szerinted mi nem hosszutavu^M
partnerek vagyunk, kimesz dokinak meg azt' ugy egyebkent se, mit szosz ?^M
Hat szova ezek vannak. Kicsit ambivalens minden, tudom , hogy segitesz. Vajon^M
engem miert szeretsz ? Vagy nem .^M
Szeretem benned , hogy olyan stabil vagy , noies, gondoskodo, erted ?^M

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


-erezd az erzest, ne nyomd el, fogadd el, ha latsz egy jo not, erezd, amit erzel, mert ferfi vagy, dakod van, erezd, ne nyomd el
-adj magadnak engedelyt, hogy hiabazz
-ne azon gondolkodj o mit gondol, hanem azt, hogy hogyan ered el nala, hogy vonzodjon hozzad, aktivitas, aktivitas, aktivitas
-attraction is not a choice
-create emotional spikes
-stop analysing, be in the moment !
-a legroszabb dolog ami tortenhet, az az ignorance es az eges, es a felelem a felelemtol
-ne felj semmitol, csak a felelemtol magatol
-gondolj arra, milyen jo lesz miutan leszolitottad, boldog lehetsz, megtetted az elso lepest, nem ugy mint a szaz masik baratod, sot, nincs egy baratod se
aki ezt megtette volna, mert felnek, de te ne feljel
-ne erdekeljen, hogy mi van az o fejeben, mert akkor nem sugarzol ki magadbol semmit, sugarozz ki energiat, ez az ami vonz, szarj arra, hogy mit gondol
vagy bevonzod vagy nem, te vagy az univerzum kozpontja, te vagy a nap, aki sugarzik, vagy szereti a no a napfenyt vagy nem, te sugarzol es lesz no akit bevonzol,
akit pedig nem, azt elengeded, mert adsz magadnak eselyt, hogy hibazz, nem kell tokeletesnek lenned, a tokeletes emberek, tokeletesen megoregszenek egyedul
-engedd meg magadnak, hogy teljesen aterezve el tudd engedni a noket
-nofelszedes a norol szol es az o erzeseirol, ha o jol erzi magat egy aruhazban mikozben felszeded az ugyanojan jo mintha, egy diszkoban szedned fel
-mekkora baromsag az, hogy a nonek azt kell hinnie, hogy nem akarod felszedni, 99%-uk tudja, nem az a problema, hogy tudja, hanam az amit kapcsol hozza, a gondolatok, ezert a
gondolatokat kell megvaltoztatni (tunj nehezen megkaphatonak, a bitch shield-et tord le, kelts jo elso benyomast) nem pedig eltitkolni, hogy fel akarod szedni
-nem nyerhetsz mindenkit meg, adj magadnak eselyt, hogy hibazz
-ugy menj be egy szettbe, hogy tiszta a fejed, mintha friss hajnali levegovel lenne tele, kilelegzel belelegzel es bemesz, beledobod magad a szakadekba, vagy inkabb a vizbe,
vagy ejtoernyovel a levegobe, tudod, hogy kinyilik az ejtoernyo (elmesz, elkuld a csaj) es akkor vege lesz a zuhanasnak, de azt a fel masod percet vagy akar 1-2 percet elvezheted
-beleugrasz a szettbe, vedtelenul, sebezheto vagy, olyan mintha meztelenul ugranal bele a levegobe, de a vegen nem lesz semmi baj, mert kinyilik az ejtoernyo, elkuld a csaj,
vagy te magad mesz el, ez a harom masodperces szabaly, az ezert mukodik, mert kell, hozza egy ilyen mindset, hogy kiteszed magad az ismeretlennek, mert te egy olyan ember vagy

Monday, September 24, 2007

egy ket gondolat..

-nyugodtan hidd el, hogy minden no megvan erted orulve, meg akkor is ha nem igaz, ne keress bizonyitekot arra, hogy ez nem igy van-senki nem fog helyetted noket leszolitani

-ha baszni akarsz, akkor neked kell noket leszolitanod

-senki nem tud jobban segiteni neked, mint te magad

-legyen begyakorolva a mondandod, mert anelkull csak ott fogsz allni, mint egy balfasz

-tudd, hogy nem nyerhetsz meg mindenkit es ez rendjen van igy, de legalabb TE megprobaltad es erre buszke lehetsz-a szep nok is rondak

-a szep nok is akarnak baszni

-csak olyan dologgal foglalkozz, ami a valosagban elorevisz; ne vesztegesd az idodet-ne fuss a villamos utan, ugyis jon a kovetkezo

-barmi ami miatt szegyenkezel az megbocsajthato, mert csak 20 eved van hatra a fiatalsagodbol, egyszer vagy fiatal

-az approach anxiety olyan mint a vecen szaras, amikor a baratnod egesz csaladja 2 meterre a konyhaban eszik es hallja, ahogy recsegve durrogtatva szarsz; ego, de meg kell tenned (ez ellen van jo modszer, mp3 a fuledben, mar nem is durrogtatsz, sot, jo muzsikat jatszol a seggeddel, ezt meg a vacsorazo baratno-szulok is szeretik)

-bizz magadban, bizz abban, hogy a kreativitasod es az inteligenciaddal olyan dolgokat veszel eszre, amit senki mas nem a vilagon, bizz abban, hogy egyedi vagy

-az emberek nagyon kulonbozoek, ugyanugy, ahogy vannak szep nok, akik nem erdekeltek a szexben, ugyanugy vannak szep nok akik erdekeltek a szexben

-nem tudod elore melyik no lesz erdekelt a szexben es melyik nem

-anelkul, hogy leszolitanal noket nincs siker, anelkul minden mas elmeletet kidobhatsz az ablakon

-mindig lesznek uj gondolatok, amikrol azt, hiszed, hogy majd, ha AZT megerted, akkor majd minden no szetteszi neked a labat, a baj csak az, hogy mire ezeket mind megerted, elmulik a fiatalsagod es ha azzal vagy elfoglalva, hogy uj elmeleteket ertsel meg akkor nem lesz idod/fokuszod arra, hogy a valosagban megtanuld, hogyan noket szolitsal le es tenylegesen gyakorold is a nofelszedest,

-az elmeletek a tanulmanyozasa sokszor csak kifogas, amivel elkerulheted a fajdalmat, azaz a nok leszolitasat

-tudod, hogy mit mondjal a noknek, csak azt nem eleg tudni, hanem mondani is kell-a problema nem a tudassal van, hanem a mondassal-mindig zarj

-egyetlen egy jo rutinra van szukseged, ami mindig mukodik !!!!! EGYRE !!! Talalj egyet es hasznald azt !!

-epits be vicceket es akkor tudni fogod, hogy nevetni fognak, ami egy pozitiv feedback-et eredmenyez es nagyobb batorsaggal hasznalod

-tudd nagyon melyen, hogy azok a gyonyoru szep nok lettek szerelmesek beled, tettek szet a labukat neked.

-kepzelj el egy lanyt, akit mar 100x v. 1x megkurtal, hogy all a ruhaboltban v. all a buszmegalloban es te le akarod szolitani